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Post-Abortion Support - BsideU for Life

Are you seeking counseling and healing after abortion? You may have suppressed all the emotions that came up after your abortion for months or years now. Many people struggle to face the difficulties that may arise after abortion. Know that you are not alone in this recovery journey.

Many women who have had an abortion have experienced mental health problems, including substance abuse, anxiety, and depression. Healing is possible, and we can help.

How Does Abortion Affect Women?

You could have felt a sigh of relief after your abortion, or maybe feelings of regret, sadness, grief, or loss. Maybe you felt all the above. Common emotional side effects women experience after an abortion include:

  • Isolation
  • Guilt
  • Emotional pain
  • Nightmares
  • Anger or rage
  • Suicidal impulses
  • Self-destructive behavior

Healing is Possible

Yes! And we’re here to help. Sometimes you need someone to walk alongside you to show you the way. There is nothing weak about getting the help you need after such a major procedure such as abortion. 

It’s never too late to get support after an abortion. The emotional side effects of abortion can be grueling and you may not know where to begin. Take one step at a time in the healing process. It’s worth the time and effort. You deserve to feel peace and joy again. 

Professional Post-Abortion Counseling + Peer-Led Support

Our non-judgmental clinical counselor is here to help you receive professional support. We will show you how to begin, and we’ll be by your side all along the way.

Our post-abortion study consists of small groups of women and separate small groups of men participating in a safe, non-judgmental environment.  

Our post-abortion studies are available in two formats:

  • Once a week for 8 weeks
  • A weekend retreat (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

The format will depend on participants’ schedules and availability. Call for dates of upcoming groups. Contact us today to get started on this journey to wholeness. You won’t regret it.