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Is Abortion Recovery Difficult? - BsideU for Life

Any abortion method is a serious procedure, but how a woman recovers physically and mentally differs based on her experience. 

Whether you have a medical abortion (also called the abortion pill method) or a surgical procedure, there are side effects and potential risks for both. You should be fully informed before moving forward with an abortion.

What Are the Risks of a Medical Abortion?

The abortion pill, or medical abortion method, requires taking two drugs to terminate a pregnancy. The FDA highly regulates the first drug, mifepristone. It blocks the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the pregnancy cannot survive. 

The second drug, misoprostol, causes bleeding and contractions to expel the pregnancy from your body. Side effects are usually nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and cramping.

There are risks with the abortion pill that will affect your recovery: 

  • Not all of the pregnancy may be expelled from your body (incomplete abortion). Tissue that remains inside can lead to infection and may require another procedure. 
  • The further along you are in your pregnancy, the less effective the drugs are, which may mean an ongoing pregnancy. 
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • The potential for emotional or mental health issues

What Are the Risks of a Surgical Abortion?

An abortion provider performs a surgical abortion in a clinic or medical facility. The procedures are more invasive and usually require local or general anesthesia.

Depending on how far along you are, it may be necessary to dilate (open) your cervix (which leads to the uterus). Providers perform dilation with either medication or medical instruments. 

There are risks with surgical abortion that may affect your recovery:

  • Because the abortion provider uses instruments such as a suction device or sharp scraping tool, it’s possible to poke a hole in your uterus.
  • The further along you are in your pregnancy, the more surgical tools may be required, causing damage to your cervix or scar tissue.
  • Possible heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • The potential for infection
  • The potential for emotional or mental health issues

What Can I Expect?

The type of procedure, the physical outcome, and your emotional health determine how you recover from an abortion. Many women report immediate relief after their abortions, but some begin experiencing feelings of grief, sadness, and anxiety later. 

Where Can I Get More Information?

Talk to our medical team of professionals to get the information you need beforehand. Although we do not provide or refer for abortion, we can explain the various procedures, side effects to expect, and potential risks. 

You owe it to yourself to be fully informed. Schedule a free and confidential appointment. We are here beside you through it all. How can we help you today?